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Apreamare Refit


Following requests from numerous Customers, Apreamare has decided to invest in after-sales refitting activities with a new dedicated Division – Apreamare Refit – which will restore, update and/or bring to new life the current fleet of Apreamare yachts in the Mediterranean and beyond within a new dedicated space of over 3,000 square meters in the main production site in Torre Annunziata.

Apreamare’s skilled workers and craftsmen, renowned for their know-how, experience and precision, will take care of your boat: from replacing the teak deck to painting, from changing the upholstery or interior and exterior coverings, to improving navigation systems, on-board systems, new accessories and components to guarantee even more comfort, but above all to give new life to Gozzo’s and Maestro’s from the past, whether recent or not. Take your gozzo to who built it, to restore it to its original beauty! Because by refitting your Apreamare with us, you can increase its value over time as well as navigate with greater comfort, efficiency and safety.

Talk to us

Write us if you need more information about Apreamare Refit.

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